Imagine an organisation where....
Whether your organisation is
  • Corporate
  • Government or
  • Not for Profit
Quoxient will customise a flexible and scalable solution for you
Corporate strategy is clear to all

Clarity and simplicity are the key drivers that deliver understanding. Quoxient demonstrates:

  • Why each team's strategy is important
  • How the team contributes to the organisation.
  • What objectives need to be accomplished for both the team and organisation to realise successful outcomes
Individual objectives are aligned

Once strategic goals ("Purposes") are established, these are cascaded to each level of the hierarchy in the form of Strategy Maps.

Each team leader will have their set of objectives clearly displayed on their own Strategy map.

KPIs are continually measured

KPIs ("Measures") are developed to quantify each objective with clear targets, performance and trends.

Team leaders will continuously know how they are tracking and where additional focus is required to reach the required results.

Performance management is constant

Since performance management is built in to the system, there are no surprises at review time.

Each team member knows what is expected and how they have performed against each KPI, and how their team has contributed to progress of the organisation